Henrique Laureano


Senior Data Scientist @ Volvo Group

View My GitHub Profile


[2016-10-05] Multistate models in survival analysis

Invited presentation in the course Topics in Survival Analysis @ UFPR, offered by Professor Suely Giolo

[2017-09-26] Intro to R Markdown and knitr

Presented in the BAYESCOMP research group @ KAUST

[2019-08-12] Study group in Statistical Learning

[2019-12-16] SPDE as a smoothing penalty

Understanding the Stochastic Partial Differential Equation (SPDE) approach to smoothing, presented @ LEG

The code in the final slide may be found here

[2020-02-03/07] Naive Bayes and Logistic regression

Short courses presented @ I CiDWeek

I also presented my MSc project

Study group in Statistical Analysis of Failure Time Data

[2020-12] pandemic times = taped presentations

Two videos talking about my master thesis research

[2021-09-09] TMB Tutorial

TMB tutorial presented @ 3o R Day

[2021-09-13] Presentation at the Statistics’ academic week @ UFPR

Master thesis work