
The knitr package was designed to be a transparent engine for dynamic report
generation with R, and solve some long-standing problems in Sweave.

If you are working in a .tex file but wanna insert R code, knitr is a very good alternative.

This extention is .Rnw.

In a .Rnw file, by default, everything that you write is interpreted as in a .tex file. In reality, you do everything like in a \(\LaTeX\) document. The only difference is wanna you want insert R code.

For insert R code you have to create a chunk like this:



Everything typed outside a chunk is rendered as \(\LaTeX\) code, everything inside a chunk is rendered as R code.

The same chunk options shown in the previous section can be used here. In reality, all this options was created to use in a .Rnw file.

Here you can see an list with all this options and how to use them.