Henrique Aparecido Laureano
All tihis code below is R = )
path <- "C:/Users/henri/GitHub/mynameislaure.github.io/tarantino/"
da <- read.csv(paste0(path, "tarantino.csv")) ; summary(da)
movie type word minutes_in
Django Unchained :309 death: 190 fucking:407 Min. : 0.40
Inglorious Basterds:106 word :1704 shit :221 1st Qu.: 29.66
Jackie Brown :372 fuck :213 Median : 70.53
Kill Bill: Vol. 1 :120 :190 Mean : 71.53
Kill Bill: Vol. 2 : 80 n-word :179 3rd Qu.:112.83
Pulp Fiction :476 ass :140 Max. :160.45
Reservoir Dogs :431 (Other):544
We have two events of interest: death or a curse, when it’s a death, words are not said
The dataset is composed of seven movies
freq <- as.data.frame(table(subset(da, type == "word")$word))
names(freq)[1] <- "Word"
wordcloud(freq$Word, freq$Freq, min.freq = 1
, col = 1:5)
When the event is death no word is said
We can classify curse words into four groups, based on the frequencies at which they are used. Each group is given by a different color
The most spoken word, fucking, distances itself so much from the others in terms of frequency that it alone forms a group
The second most common (most used) group consists of the words: n-word, fuck and shit
The third most common group consists of the words: ass and goddamn
60 words are spoken
minutes.plot <- function(name, xl, yl, number){
ts(subset(da, movie %in% name)$minutes_in)
, type = "h"
, scales = list(
x = list(at = xl), y = list(at = yl, rot = 0))
, xlab = "Number of events", ylab = "Minutes"
, main = paste0(name, " (", number, " events)")
, ylim = c(0, max(yl))
, col = ifelse(
subset(da, movie %in%name)$type == "death", 2, "#0080ff")
caes <-
"Reservoir Dogs", seq(0, 400, 100), seq(0, 100, 20), 431)
pulp <-
"Pulp Fiction", seq(0, 475, 115), seq(0, 150, 30), 476)
kill <-
"Kill Bill: Vol. 1", seq(0, 120, 30), seq(0, 100, 20), 120)
bill <-
"Kill Bill: Vol. 2", seq(0, 80, 20), seq(0, 120, 30), 80)
jack <-
"Jackie Brown", seq(0, 375, 90), seq(0, 150, 30), 372)
basts <-
"Inglorious Basterds", seq(0, 100, 25), seq(0, 150, 30), 106)
django <-
"Django Unchained", seq(0, 300, 75), seq(0, 160, 40), 309)
print(caes, c(0, 2/3, 1/3, 1), more = TRUE)
print(pulp, c(1/3, 2/3, 2/3, 1), more = TRUE)
print(kill, c(2/3, 2/3, 1, 1), more = TRUE)
print(bill, c(0, 1/3, 1/3, 2/3), more = TRUE)
print(jack, c(1/3, 1/3, 2/3, 2/3), more = TRUE)
print(basts, c(2/3, 1/3, 1, 2/3), more = TRUE)
print(django, c(1/3, 0, 2/3, 1/3))
draw.key(list(text = list(c("Curse word", "A death"))
, lines = list(col = c("#0080ff", 2))
, border = TRUE, padding.text = 5
), draw = TRUE, vp = viewport(x = .18, y = .17)
Among the things that we can say from the graphics above we have:
The longest movie is probably Django Unchained and the shortest is Reservoir Dogs
The movie with most events is Pulp Fiction, 476 and the one with less is Kill Bill: Vol. 2, 80
The movie with most deaths is Kill Bill: Vol. 1, and most of them were in sequence
In the last thirty minutes of Pulp Fiction, approximately, there were no deaths
bars <- function(name){
curse.word <- as.data.frame(sort(table(
subset(da, movie == name & type == "word")$word)))
death <- as.data.frame(sort(table(
subset(da, movie == name & type == "death")$word)))
names(curse.word)[1] <- names(death)[1] <- "Word"
levels(curse.word$Word) <-
ifelse(levels(curse.word$Word) == ""
, "Death", levels(curse.word$Word))
levels(death$Word) <-
ifelse(levels(death$Word) == ""
, "Death", levels(death$Word))
bars.curse.word <-
barchart(Word ~ Freq, subset(curse.word, Freq > 1)
, col = "#0080ff"
, border = "transparent"
, xlab = NULL
, main = paste0("Curse word (", table(
subset(da, movie == name)$type == "word")[[2]]
, " occurrences)")
, scales = list(x = list(draw = FALSE))
, xlim = c(0, max(
subset(curse.word, Freq > 1)$Freq) + max(
subset(curse.word, Freq > 1)$Freq) * .13)
, panel = function(...){
args <- list(...)
panel.text(args$x, args$y, args$x, pos = 4)})
bars.death <-
barchart(Word ~ Freq, subset(death, Freq > 1)
, col = 2
, border = "transparent"
, xlab = NULL
, main = paste0("A death (", table(
subset(da, movie == name)$type == "death")[[2]]
, " occurrences)")
, scales = list(x = list(draw = FALSE))
, panel = function(...){
args <- list(...)
panel.text(args$x, args$y, args$x, pos = 4)})
print(bars.curse.word, c(0, 0, .5, 1), more = TRUE)
print(bars.death, c(.5, 0, 1, 1))
bars("Reservoir Dogs")
In the Reservoir Dogs there were ten deaths
The most common curse word was fucking, corresponding to 43% of the words
Another seventeen curse words were said more than once
bars("Pulp Fiction")
In Pulp Fiction there were only seven deaths
The most common curse word it was also fucking, corresponding to 28% of the words
Another seventeen curse words were also spoken more than once
bars("Kill Bill: Vol. 1")
In Kill Bill: Vol. 1 there were sixty three deaths, a giant leap compared to previous movies
The most common curse word was shit, but is was said only a few times, eight. Fucking, the curse word most spoken in the two previous movies was said here only five times, being the third most spoken
Another eleven curse words were also spoken more than once
There were more deaths than curse words in this movie
bars("Kill Bill: Vol. 2")
In Kill Bill: Vol. 2 there were eleven deaths, much less than its predecessor
The most common curse word was fucking, corresponding to 28% of the words
Another nine curse words were also spoken more than once
bars("Jackie Brown")
In Jackie Brown there were only four deaths
The most common curse word was shit, corresponding to 18% of the words. Another four curse words are also said a large number of times
In total fifteen curse words were spoken more than once
bars("Inglorious Basterds")
In Inglorious Basterds there were forty-eight deaths
The most common curse word was fuck, but is was said only a few times, eleven
Another eight curse words were also spoken more than once
bars("Django Unchained")
In Django Unchained there were forty seven deaths, a number very close to the previous movie
The most common curse word was n-word, corresponding to 44% of the words
Another thirteen curse words were also spoken more than once
The movie with the most deaths was Kill Bill: Vol. 1, 63, the movie with the least deaths was Jackie Brown, 4. Already the film with the most similar number of deaths and curse words was Kill Bill: Vol. 1, with 63 and 57, respectively
The curse words that stood out the most were fucking and shit
The movie with the most curse words was Pulp Fiction, 469, the movie with the least curse words was Kill Bill: Vol. 1, 57
[1] "2016-11-29 23:32:25 BRST"