data(cake, package=‘lme4’)
Last modification on 2022-09-14 10:51:24
The data is described in ?cake
Data on the breakage angle of chocolate cakes made with three different
recipes and baked at six different temperatures.
An interesting note
The experimental notes suggest that the replicate numbering represents
temporal ordering.
is approached at the end.
Looking at the data
replicate recipe temperature angle temp
1 : 18 A:90 175:45 Min. :18.00 Min. :175
2 : 18 B:90 185:45 1st Qu.:26.00 1st Qu.:185
3 : 18 C:90 195:45 Median :31.00 Median :200
4 : 18 205:45 Mean :32.12 Mean :200
5 : 18 215:45 3rd Qu.:36.75 3rd Qu.:215
6 : 18 225:45 Max. :63.00 Max. :225
We see that the baking temperatures are provided in two forms, numerically and as a factor. Below we have a histogram of the breakage angle to see if it is ok to assume a normal distribution to our model - the easiest / simplest one in terms of the estimation procedure.
Well, our response is not symmetric. Neverthless, since we have a dependence structure that will still be commented on, we’ll start with a normal distribution. We hope that the dependence structure compensates for this - let’s say, misspecification -, by accommodating a good amount of variability.
Before talking about the dependence structure,
we still need to state our hypothesis/goals:
- There is a difference between the recipes in terms of the breakage angle of chocolate cakes? If there is, estimate them;
- The same for the baking temperatures;
- And if there is an interaction between recipes and temperatures.
We can’t forget the replications!
However, there is no practical interest in estimating differences between replications. We only need to accommodate this extra level of variability. The idea is: that maybe there is a dependence between each replication. Maybe the same cooker baked all that cakes following a given recipe in all considered temperatures. So makes sense to believe that bakings from that cooker are similar, dependent, and independent from a different cooker following a different recipe.
We consider that there is a possible dependence or inter-variance in each replication for each recipe, turning out in 15 replications \(\times\) 3 recipes, totalizing 45 different levels. This forms a dependence structure that we do not want to infer about, but need to properly accommodate to not inflame our parameter estimates and mislead our final inferences. In practical terms we just consider an extra normal distribution (of zero mean) with 45 sampled values and what we want is to estimate / predict their standard error.
The two following figures end the summarization of the data.
Below we see how the replications vary according to the temperatures in terms of the angles. All this is split by recipes. In red, for each recipe, we have the mean of the replications for each of the temperatures. We see that there is an actual difference between replications but not between recipes. We have a difference between temperatures, but at this point, looking at this figure I’m not confident at the point to state that there is a statistical difference between them.
dplyr::mutate(recipe=paste('recipe:', recipe))|>
aes(x=temperature, y=angle, group=replicate)+
linetype='dashed', color='gray')+
fun=mean, geom='line', color='red', size=1)+
facet_wrap(~ recipe)+
theme(strip.text.x=element_text(face='bold', size=14))
Now we inverted. We look at the angles according to replications and grouped them by temperatures. Again, we don’t see a recipe effect. However, we can see a pattern of dependence between replications and a small effect on temperatures. Generally, as bigger the temperature bigger is the angle. Nevertheless, the biggest angles aren’t obtained with the highest temperatures. If there is a temperature effect, the effect is probably small.
dplyr::mutate(recipe=paste('recipe:', recipe))|>
aes(x=replicate, y=angle, group=temperature, color=temperature)+
fun=mean, geom='line', color='red', size=1)+
facet_wrap(~ recipe)+
strip.text.x =element_text(face='bold', size=14))
The last thing to say here is to point out the fact that this experiment is balanced, all levels have the same number of data points and in total, we’re working with a sample of size 270 - Not huge, but also not small.
Linear Mixed Model
We state a linear mixed model, i.e. normal distribution for the response and fixed and random/latent effects on the linear predictor.
We tried three characteristics as a fixed effect: the recipes; the temperatures; and their interaction. Only the temperatures appeared statistically significant (we performed a standard covariates selection procedure). In the random effect, i.e. to accommodate the extra variance, we used the 45 levels created by the combination of replications and recipes. This final model can be fitted as follows
The temperature was tried numerically and as a factor. All the results were the same, so we chose to work within the final model as a factor, to them be able to compare all the temperatures - since they’re just a few. This model is mathematically written as
wrap=TRUE, terms_per_line=1, use_coef=TRUE,
\[ \begin{aligned} \operatorname{\widehat{angle}}_{i} &\sim N \left(\mu, \sigma^2 \right) \\ \mu &=32.12_{\alpha_{j[i]}}\\ &\quad + 6.61_{\beta_{1}}(\operatorname{temperature}_{\operatorname{185}})\\ &\quad - 0.39_{\beta_{2}}(\operatorname{temperature}_{\operatorname{195}})\\ &\quad - 0.55_{\beta_{3}}(\operatorname{temperature}_{\operatorname{205}})\\ &\quad - 1.3_{\beta_{4}}(\operatorname{temperature}_{\operatorname{215}})\\ &\quad - 0.91_{\beta_{5}}(\operatorname{temperature}_{\operatorname{225}}) \\ \alpha_{j} &\sim N \left(0, 6.35 \right) \text{, for recipe:replicate j = 1,} \dots \text{,J} \end{aligned} \]
The estimated parameters are already in the equation.
We can see how the random effects (replication : recipe) standard deviation is big.
Before starting to comment on the results, we check if the fitted model is ok, i.e. if the proposed model fitted well with the data. In the residual plots below we don’t see any critical pattern or behavior that leads us to a bad evaluation.
Model summary
Below we have the summary of our model.
We see that the scaled residuals are well behaved and, mainly, we have the latent effects variance estimates. We have a variance of 40.29 for the 45 levels of replications crossed with recipes. The non-explained variance is 20.48. Thus, our extra structure shows to be correctly necessary and that there is a clear difference between replications and dependence within replication.
For the rest is better to talk by showing other things.
Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
Formula: angle ~ temperature + (1 | recipe:replicate)
Data: cake
REML criterion at convergence: 1683.1
Scaled residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-2.49523 -0.63378 -0.09213 0.55451 2.84177
Random effects:
Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
recipe:replicate (Intercept) 40.29 6.348
Residual 20.48 4.525
Number of obs: 270, groups: recipe:replicate, 45
Fixed effects:
Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept) 32.1222 0.9855 32.595
temperature.L 6.6109 0.6746 9.800
temperature.Q -0.3855 0.6746 -0.572
temperature.C -0.5483 0.6746 -0.813
temperature^4 -1.2977 0.6746 -1.924
temperature^5 -0.9141 0.6746 -1.355
Correlation of Fixed Effects:
(Intr) tmpr.L tmpr.Q tmpr.C tmpr^4
temperatr.L 0.000
temperatr.Q 0.000 0.000
temperatr.C 0.000 0.000 0.000
temperatr^4 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
temperatr^5 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
To start talking about the temperature findings, let’s start by computing the analysis of variance (ANOVA). We see that there is a strong difference between them.
Analysis of Deviance Table (Type II Wald chisquare tests)
Response: angle
Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
temperature 102.57 5 < 2.2e-16 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
We can compute all the marginal means of our response, breakage angle of chocolate cakes, for each temperature and even for each of the levels of the latent effect - even not being our interest to infer on that, just accommodate it.
term value marginalmean std.error conf.low conf.high
1 recipe A 33.04413 0.9854924 31.11260 34.97566
2 recipe B 31.68175 0.9854924 29.75022 33.61328
3 recipe C 31.64078 0.9854924 29.70925 33.57231
4 replicate 1 45.68456 0.9854924 43.75303 47.61609
5 replicate 2 44.50656 0.9854924 42.57503 46.43809
6 replicate 3 36.56788 0.9854924 34.63635 38.49941
7 replicate 4 33.18754 0.9854924 31.25601 35.11907
8 replicate 5 32.36807 0.9854924 30.43654 34.29959
9 replicate 6 28.98772 0.9854924 27.05619 30.91925
10 replicate 7 27.70729 0.9854924 25.77576 29.63882
11 replicate 8 27.75851 0.9854924 25.82698 29.69004
12 replicate 9 27.70729 0.9854924 25.77576 29.63882
13 replicate 10 29.09016 0.9854924 27.15863 31.02169
14 replicate 11 30.06329 0.9854924 28.13176 31.99482
15 replicate 12 31.03642 0.9854924 29.10489 32.96795
16 replicate 13 31.90711 0.9854924 29.97558 33.83864
17 replicate 14 28.21946 0.9854924 26.28794 30.15099
18 replicate 15 27.04147 0.9854924 25.10994 28.97300
19 temperature 175 27.97778 1.1620640 25.70017 30.25538
20 temperature 185 29.95556 1.1620640 27.67795 32.23316
21 temperature 195 31.42222 1.1620640 29.14462 33.69983
22 temperature 205 32.17778 1.1620640 29.90017 34.45538
23 temperature 215 35.84444 1.1620640 33.56684 38.12205
24 temperature 225 35.35556 1.1620640 33.07795 37.63316
Still, is better to look at all that graphically.
aes(x=marginalmean, y=value, xmin=conf.low, xmax=conf.high)+
facet_wrap(~ term, scales='free')+
labs(x=NULL, y=NULL)+
theme(strip.text.x=element_text(face='bold', size=14))
Above, we see how there is no practical difference between recipes; how the two first replications are bigger than the others; and how the breakage angle increase as the temperature increases, but reaches a plateau or maximum point at 215.
Besides computing the mean breakage angle for each temperature, we can compute and test for the significance of all pairwise differences (here, contrasts).
(comp.temp <-
dplyr::select(!c(type, term, std.error))|>
dplyr::relocate(conf.low , .after=estimate)|>
dplyr::relocate(conf.high, .after=conf.low)
contrast estimate conf.low conf.high statistic p.value
1 185 - 175 1.9777778 0.1080152 3.847540 2.0731901 3.815459e-02
2 195 - 175 3.4444444 1.5746819 5.314207 3.6106119 3.054754e-04
3 205 - 175 4.2000000 2.3302374 6.069763 4.4026171 1.069528e-05
4 215 - 175 7.8666667 5.9969041 9.736429 8.2461718 2.220446e-16
5 225 - 175 7.3777778 5.5080152 9.247540 7.7336978 1.043610e-14
6 195 - 185 1.4666667 -0.4030959 3.336429 1.5374219 1.241900e-01
7 205 - 185 2.2222222 0.3524597 4.091985 2.3294271 1.983645e-02
8 215 - 185 5.8888889 4.0191263 7.758651 6.1729817 6.701397e-10
9 225 - 185 5.4000000 3.5302374 7.269763 5.6605078 1.509258e-08
10 205 - 195 0.7555556 -1.1142070 2.625318 0.7920052 4.283576e-01
11 215 - 195 4.4222222 2.5524597 6.291985 4.6355598 3.559727e-06
12 225 - 195 3.9333333 2.0635708 5.803096 4.1230859 3.738302e-05
13 215 - 205 3.6666667 1.7969041 5.536429 3.8435546 1.212650e-04
14 225 - 205 3.1777778 1.3080152 5.047540 3.3310807 8.650952e-04
15 225 - 215 -0.4888889 -2.3586515 1.380874 -0.5124740 6.083193e-01
The same contrasts are seen below graphically, where is simpler to see which differences are not statistically significant. Almost all differences in breakage angles between baking temperates are statistically significant. Just three aren’t - the ones in which the 95% confidence interval reaches the value 0.
aes(x=estimate, y=contrast, xmin=conf.low, xmax=conf.high)+
labs(x=NULL, y=NULL)+
scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(-2.5, 10, by=1.25))+
geom_vline(xintercept=seq(-2.5, 10, by=1.25),
linetype='dashed', color='gray')+
geom_vline(xintercept=0, linetype='dashed', color='red')+
Random effects
Here we look at the 45 estimated / predicted latent effects. They vary considerably
ranef.mod <- tibble::as_tibble(ranef(mod))|>
dplyr::select(!c(grpvar, term))|>
recipe =gsub(':.*$', '', grp, perl=TRUE),
replication=factor(gsub('^.:', '', grp), levels=1:15)
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
-7.642 -3.800 -2.264 0.000 1.731 15.253
We can also see splitting by recipe
dplyr::summarise(mean = mean(condval),
sd = sd(condval),
# A tibble: 3 × 4
recipe mean sd median
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 A 0.922 5.08 -0.881
2 B -0.440 6.46 -2.57
3 C -0.481 6.92 -2.26
p1 <-
dplyr::mutate(recipe=paste('recipe:', recipe))|>
aes(x=replication, y=condval)+
geom_line(group=1, size=1)+
facet_wrap(~ recipe)+
theme(strip.text.x=element_text(face='bold', size=14))
p2 <-
aes(x=replication, y=condval, group=recipe, color=recipe)+
linetype='dashed', color='gray')+
p1 / p2
We have already looked at the estimated breakage angle means per replications and recipes. Here, to see which levels appear to have a bigger variance, we look at the predicted random effects. Again, no considerable differences between recipes and bigger values for the first replications. It’s as if the first replications were used / necessary to practice. Very interesting.
Final remarks
There is
no statistically significant difference between recipes in terms of the breakage angle of chocolate cakes;
no statistically significant interaction between recipes and baking temperatures in terms of the breakage angle of chocolate cakes;
a statistically significant difference between baking temperatures in terms of the breakage angle of chocolate cakes;
a non-negligible difference between recipe replications, i.e. the replications don’t present an equal and all random variance. The data asks for a model with a dependence / latent-effects structure.
About the replicate numbering representing temporal ordering, we also addressed this point.
Basically, instead of considering the replication as a factor, we consider it as numeric in the model latent effects. Let’s say that we called the numeric representation of the replication as rep
, to correctly accommodate this new dependence structure we just need to enter the latent structure as
(rep | recipe)
into the {lme4::lmer()
} model specification.
We did it and basically: the fixed effects inferences don’t change and the model fitting presents some numerical instability and problems of convergence. All issues that we didn’t have dealt with the replication as a factor.
The analysis was performed with the R (R Core Team 2022) language and environment for statistical computing. The following R packages were used: {lme4} (Bates et al. 2015), {car} (Fox and Weisberg 2019), {tibble} (Müller and Wickham 2022), {dplyr} (Wickham et al. 2022), {ggplot2} (Wickham 2016), {marginaleffects} (Arel-Bundock 2022), {broom} (Robinson, Hayes, and Couch 2022), {equatiomatic} (Anderson, Heiss, and Sumners 2022) and {patchwork} (Pedersen 2020).